Monday, April 11, 2011

The Best Laid Plans of Mice

I love me some Douglas Adams, if you couldn't tell already. ;)
But that is beside the point.

There have been no updates because me and the hubby have been sick. Sinus yuckiness is no fun. Add on top of that we both had work, and I am in the process of swapping jobs; it has been a little nutty here. Last day at Evil job was finished on Saturday night (night the sickest too). First day at shiny new job is tomorrow, Yay!
I am nearly almost better, especially now that I know that a lot of my non-sinus symptoms were really a reaction to the antibiotics. No more antibiotics, but still taking Musinex. The Snot will meet its doom!!

If you have Netflix, or the National Geographic channel, I highly recommend "DogTown". Its about the dogs at a massive and awesome no-kill shelter in Utah. Its kinda like Animal Cops, but not. Its more about the rehabilitation than the rescue.

Sorry the post is short today. I promise the one tomorrow will be longer.

Now I must go conquer Mount Dishes...

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