Wednesday, April 6, 2011


My name is Deidre and this is my lovely blog.

This little piece of the internet is where I will endeavor to talk about anything I feel like talking about. The main purpose of this is just to keep me writing about something, anything. If you have suggestions, wants, questions, and so on, feel free to ask! Otherwise, expect rambling and randomness, movie stuff, book stuff, video game things, likes, dislikes, dog/ pet stuff,  and anything else I pull out of my magic top hat.

Eventually, I will also be using it to help build a platform for my fiction writing stuffs, but that is still in the works. (I have one page written (400ish words) of a quasi-plotted novel and that is about to get an overhaul anyway.) But be ready!!

These next few posts are gonna be more introductory thingies, so you lovely readers can get to know me and stuff I like and from there decide if you're gonna like hearing what I have to say. They should also act as a way to get me going. Whee!!

I think I just said the word "stuff" an awful lot.

Update Schedule: I am not setting one at this point in time. I will update when I have something to say, and hopefully it will be on a regular basis. Currently I am going to aim for every or every other day, but I make no promises.

An I think I will leave off on that note for this evening.
Look for new shinies tomorrow!!

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